Monday, September 15, 2008

another cat-tator punishing her humans. jess

hairr sprray. jess.

If you wearr ze hairr sprray theen I will eat your hairr and theen I will Keel you. jess. prr jess.
When I eat your hairr I will bite and use the talons to keel your hairr. If you twitch or squirm I will use the back talons too. jess.

Monday, September 1, 2008


herrre is a new rrrule. Eef you displeasse me theen I, El Gato, will sit on your head. Jess. Today ze small dog was under ze blanket and I sat on heem. jess. I have scrrrratched heem thrrrree times and he did not give up and bow to me, El Gato, so I had to sit on heem. jess. I was not successful in Keeling heem but I will trrry again. Prr Jess.